OCD treatment

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is effective treatment for OCD. 
Cheryll is based in Seaford which is easilly accessed from Brighton, Lewes and Eastbourne.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is an Anxiety disorder which can be very distressing for the sufferer. It is common for people to suffer with OCD from childhood and never to have received help for this condition. People tend to seek help for OCD when they feel that their lives have become unmanageable.
The symptoms of OCD are:
• Becoming troubled by intrusive thoughts which are anxiety provoking. These thoughts might be very disturbing.
• The tendency to develop repetitive behaviours which temporarily ease the anxiety caused by the intrusive thoughts.
• Daily rituals which can become extremely time consuming.
• The knowledge that OCD thoughts and behaviours are senseless but feel unable to prevent them.
A river


You will be taught how to work with the intrusive thoughts without suppressing them. This will improve your ability to tolerate the physical symptoms of anxiety and will enable you to reduce the impact of ritualistic behaviour.

You will receive instruction in Mindfulness which will improve your ability to shift your attention and reduce the impact of rumination.
You will learn about the nature of thoughts and find it easier to accept yourself as you are with or without OCD.
Open land
For more information, call Cognitive Behaviour Therapy on
01323 891 781
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