Panic Attacks

Treatments for panic attacks in Seaford 
Easy access for Eastbourne - Lewes - Brighton

If you suffer from panic attacks you will need help to manage them. Cheryll offers step by step guidence to help you overcome your anxiety. 
Treatment for OCD

Panic attacks

Panic attacks can affect anyone at any time. They may be brought on by stress or emotional trauma. They may be a symptom of another disorder such a PTSD. Panic attacks can be extremely frightening.
The symptoms are:
• Tightening in the throat and a feeling of choking.
• Finding it difficult to breath or talk.
• Fear that you might stop breathing all together and die.
• Fear of having a panic attack in a public place.
Because the effects of Panic Disorder can be so physically unpleasant, sufferers may find it difficult to take part in activities where it may be difficult to make an exit e.g. attending meetings in the workplace; going to the cinema or theatre; travelling by public transport; travelling by aeroplane.
Stones on the beach


You will be given instruction in the practise of healthy breathing which will radically reduce the impact and the frequency of panic attacks.
You will learn how to structure your thoughts using a rational format, so that your response to stress becomes more appropriate.
You will learn how to engage with your body more effectively so that anxiety is less likely to escalate into full blown panic.
You will be taught a range of simple techniques which have proven to be effective in treating Panic Disorder.
Flower field
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy offers treatments for panic disorder. For more details, call Cheryll Meikle on 
01323 891 781
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